Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Holiday Tags

I'm one who hates wasting or throwing things away. These tags were made with the tags  that come on some jeans. They are nice and sturdy and a good size. First I just paint over them to give me a blank tag to work on then I use scraps of scrapbooking paper or old x-mas cards to create  a fun gift tag that can also be an ornament.  FUN!  

I start with a mess of scraps and glue

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Stuff

 Some of  my  items that are a big hit at Harvest Thyme Herbs shop are my needle felted items. These are fun to make and each is one of a kind ! I start them off with  a base from old wool sweaters that have been shrunk and felted by accident (oops). I have collected these sweaters from friends and family. I guess I can say that their laundry mistakes are my gain but I always feel bad about their sweaters that can now fit a toddler . After the base shape is made the fun begins and the owls colors and body are needle felted with wool roving collected and purchased at our local farmers market
and yarn shops.If you get a chance to try your hand at needle felting be warned
it is addicting.After I'm pleased with my owl I cut another piece for the back and
this can be from the same sweater material or a piece of store bought felt then just 
chose a stitch to attach it along with a ribbon for hanging or a pin back.  I have also
adhered a magnet to the back for cute fridge magnets. You can never have to many 
magnets on your refrigerator!  

Owl pins made in different sizes that can be worn on
 clothing,scarves,or pinned onto bags and totes

Owl ornaments

 I just love owls!

Busy Weekend coming up

 The Round Robin Holiday Shop Tour is taking place Nov.11-14. It is a very anticipated event for shoppers and locally owned shops in the area. I am fortunate enough to have some of my knit scarves and needle felted items in one of these shops (Harvest Thyme Herbs). Here is some info about this event.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time to get ready for the holidays!

Time goes by so fast. Halloween has come and gone and now the cold weather sets in and the woodstove gets to warm the house with inviting Sunday meals and football starting to take over our household.
       I need to get going on my Christmas gifts and start to review my needed supplies. I don't need much and have a mental list of what I'm doing. Some projects I'm thinking of are maryjane slippers,scarves,bags,needle felted key chains,bookmarks, and holiday ornaments. I'm going to really try and use my supplies on hand and cut back on spending on things not needed. That means organizing my craft room and doing an inventory of everything I have.
      We will be staying home for Thanksgiving this year. It is my daughters first year of college and we are choosing to not spend our time together traveling. I will miss my family dearly but time restraints are an issue this year. Well , I will leave with a photo of the turkeys in my yard yesterday. They were here all day!